Five tips on energy saving for businesses

28th September 2022 | Rob Stanbury

It’s time to save on energy.

As the cost of living rises so do the costs of running a business and energy saving is the new buzzword in the business world. Not only is it good for the environment but, more importantly than ever, it can save you money as a business. And yes, it does take some effort on your part, but it’s not that hard to do and the rewards will be worth it. You just need to set up some systems to make sure you’re using energy wisely and smartly all year long. Here are five tips for establishing those systems:

1. Set up LED lighting

LED lighting is an excellent way to save energy and money. These lights are able to last as long as 50,000 hours, which means they require fewer replacements than traditional bulbs. In addition, they are more directional in nature so you can direct them where you need them most, which in retail can mean better looking product displays.

On top of all this, LED lights use less power than other types of lighting options and also use less electricity than incandescent bulbs do (which will provide you with greater savings). The only downside here is that they are more expensive upfront compared to other forms of lighting like halogen lamps or fluorescent tubes due to the technology involved in their design but these costs will easily be made up over time by your energy savings from using them exclusively instead of incandescent bulbs or other older technologies like fluorescents!

2. Use fans instead of air conditioning

As Summer ends we are less likely to need cooling down, however planning for next year, fans are a cheaper solution for keeping your store cool. By using fans instead of air conditioning, you can reduce energy costs by up to 25%.

Well known price comparison site Uswitch released data in 2021 detailing that a standard 120W electric fan costs only 2p to run every hour. Whereas a portable air conditioner costs closer to 44p per hour. These costs were referenced well before the energy price hikes of 2022.

Fan use can also reduce your carbon footprint by up to 20%. Running an air conditioning unit for 8+ hours per day causes not only an increase in electricity usage but also increases carbon emissions from the fossil fuels used to generate the power. Being a carbon neutral business is a very sought after label to have and can be a great USP; sometimes driving new custom from audiences that hold strong feelings towards the matter.

3. Switch to solar power

Solar power is a clean, renewable and abundant source of energy that can be used to reduce your carbon footprint. It’s also a great way to save money on your energy bills. Solar power can be used in conjunction with other sources of energy, so you won’t have to worry about losing functionality if you choose solar power.

You may also be eligible for one of the many funding opportunities or grants that have been made available to businesses that are interested in becoming more eco sustainable with their energy.

4. Upgrade to more energy-efficient equipment

Businesses that invest in energy-efficient equipment can save a lot of money. You’ll want to calculate the cost of upgrading and whether it’s worth it for you, but if it is, there are several ways you can finance the upgrade.

You may also be eligible for a tax break when making your purchase.

Energy-efficient equipment such as LED bulbs and water heaters have been around for years but their popularity has grown recently as more people become aware of how much they can do to reduce costs and improve efficiency.

5. Insulate your building

Insulation reduces heat loss, and can be installed in walls, ceilings and floors. There are many materials that can be used for insulation, including foam board insulation and spray foam insulation. In order to choose the right type of insulation for your building, you should take into account factors such as:

  • Size of the area being insulated (e.g., how much floor space or wall area will need covering)
  • Location of the building (e.g., whether it’s located in a hot climate where there is an increased risk of overheating)

Increase business energy efficiency

Achieving energy efficiency won’t be an overnight activity but a great starting point is understanding the process needed to reduce energy usage. As we have discussed, the quickest ways are usually through the implementation of more energy-efficient equipment and machines. The benefits of energy efficiency include lower utility bills, reduced greenhouse gas emissions and increased safety (e.g., less risk of fire or electrical accidents).With these tips, you can hopefully start making your business more efficient and save money on your energy bill. See our property listings for up to date energy performance certificates or check with your relevant agent or landlord on schemes available to you.

Looking for the ideal retail property? Check out shops to rent on Completely Retail.


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