Boohoo makes directorate changes

3rd April 2023 | Jack Oliver

Boohoo has appointed Alistair McGeorge to its board as an independent non-executive director.

Taking effect from 31 March, McGeorge succeeds Brian Small as the online fashion retailer’s deputy chairman and will act as interim chair of its audit committee until an additional director to fill the role is found.

He is also a member of the remuneration, nomination, risk, and ESG committees.

McGeorge is also currently a non-executive chairman of East Imperial and The Original Factory Shop, and is also chair of The Retail Trust. He has worked within the retail industry for the last 30 years and has also worked as chief executive and/or chair of various UK retail brands.

Mahmud Kamani, group executive chairman, said: “Alistair has extensive board-level experience with some great retail brands. We look forward to working with him and are confident that he will help us deliver our ambition to be the global fashion leader.”

His appointment means that Neil Catto has stepped down as executive director of the group, after spending nearly 12 years with boohoo, the majority of which was as chief financial officer.


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