Cambridgeshire MoD site set for mixed-use redeployment

The sale of a former Ministry of Defence (MoD) site in Cambridgeshire to a developer has been finalised.
Urban&Civic have acquired Waterbeach Barracks near Cambridge after nine years as the MoD’s development partner at the site.
Now the developer, alongside the Defence Infrastructure Organisation, has secured outline planning consent for the development of the former airfield and barracks into new homes, schools, and a town centre with shops and services.
A number of community facilities, including parks, play centres, and sports facilities, as well as 250 acres of green space, will also be created.
Nigel Hugill, chief executive of Urban&Civic, said: “The transformation of Waterbeach Barracks was grounded in belief and leadership. A major Government Department actively releasing brownfield land for new homes to maintain local momentum that both anticipates and facilitates world-beating economic growth in North Cambridge. In the process, realising significant funds for new investment. Properly joined up thinking.”
Urban&Civic said that sustainability will be at the heart of the development, with on-site materials being recycled, while civic buildings and the 6,500 homes will all have low-energy features. The developer added that 98% of hard materials on the site will be recycled to reduce carbon use, waste, and construction traffic.
The Waterbeach site is one of Urban&Civic’s six development partnerships with the MoD across the UK, and the first to be sold. The sale has been managed by through the DIO’s Land Sale Delivery Partnerships.