Developer appointed for Winchester redevelopment scheme

Winchester City Council has appointed Jigsaw Consortium, trading as Partnership & Places, to develop its Central Winchester regeneration project.
The mixed-use development will take place over around four acres of space and will see the creation of food and drink offerings, public spaces, a hotel, and flexible working and creative spaces.
The development will also deliver a number of new homes, with a mixture of tenures ranging from private sale, homes for rent, and affordable housing.
Jigsaw Consortium is a partnerships between Genr8 Kajima Regeneration and PfP igloo, bringing together a team of architects, urban designers, engineers, landscape architects, and specialist archaeologists. The group will also look to utilise local expertise during the development process.
The regeneration site will include Kings Walk, Friarsgate, and the bus station.
Councillor Martin Todd, leader of Winchester City Council, said: “The Central Winchester project is our chance to transform this area – bringing homes for local families, jobs for local people, while sensitively reflecting its setting and our city’s heritage.”