Estama to manage portfolio of assets at Queen Elizabeth Park

9th August 2024 | Jack Oliver

The London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) has appointed asset management company Estama to manage a portfolio of commercial assets at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in Stratford.

The portfolio – which encompasses 1.3 million sq ft of assets – includes a mixture of retail, leisure, and industrial properties.

A highlight amongst the assets now under Estama’s management is the ABBA Arena, home to the ABBA Voyage experience, a key anchor tenant which draws in visitors from around the world and contributes to the park’s reputation as a premier entertainment destination.

Other notable tenants include Amazon and the Make It Group.

George Grimes, director and head of property management at Estama, said: “We are thrilled to have been appointed by the London Legacy Development Corporation to manage this commercial portfolio.

“It is a really interesting mix of assets spanning the full range of industrial, leisure, and retail, all with an exciting future as part of the continued wider regeneration of Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.”

Victoria Knight, head of asset and estate management for the LLDC, added: “We are excited to have Estama on board to manage the fantastic range of interim uses sites with industrial, leisure and retail offers, that we have on and around Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. 

“We want to build on the commercial offer that the park has on offer and maximise the potential that these sites have to offer.”

Estama’s management strategy will look to maintain high standards of service, foster strong tenant relationships, and support the LLDC’s vision for the park’s future. 


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