Primark to relocate to Bolton ex-Debenhams site

A Bolton Primark is set to relocate to a former Debenhams site at a nearby shopping centre a few blocks away.
The retailer will be moving to the nearby Market Place, occupying the ground floor and part of the lower ground floor of the former Debenhams site. Primark is aiming to open in late 2024 or early 2025.
Alison Stewart, asset manager at Market Place’s owner Moorgarth, said: “It consolidates even further the retail and leisure offer in the town, will strengthen the offer and wider visitor attraction to Bolton and Market Place, and delivers a new anchor store with massive multi-million-pound investment into Bolton Town Centre”.
Primark’s move will enable Bolton Council to undertake plans to demolish the retailer’s current home at Crompton Place shopping centre.
Bolton Council director of place John Dyson described the move as “significant step towards the regeneration” of part of Bolton.
Last year, the council’s £1bn regeneration plan called for the construction of a 110-bed hotel, 150 homes, as well as offices on the former site of the 280,000 sq ft Crompton Place.
However, local authorities are exploring other options for the site’s future.