Pilkington heads up brand new Completely Retail news service

20th October 2022 | Phoebe Dobke

This week Completely Retail launches a brand new news service dedicated to the retail and leisure property sector, with Lisa Pilkington appointed to spearhead its development.

The well-known senior property industry journalist joins the company as Executive Editor and brings more than 25 years’ experience as a leading property and broadcast journalist.

Dom Millar, CEO of the Completely Group, said: “Our industry-leading Completely Retail Marketplace dealmaking events and the CompletelyRetail.co.uk property portal have put our organisation at the centre of the UK’s retail property community, so launching an all-encompassing, retail and leisure property focused news service is a logical next step for us.

“We’re delighted to have Lisa on board at this exciting time in the company’s history. Lisa has a breadth of experience and depth of knowledge of the retail and leisure sectors within the property industry which makes her the ideal person to oversee this new service for us.”

Millar believes there is a clear demand for a portal that not only covers the major stories in the retail and leisure sectors but also the more granular news on deals, people moves, and retailer/operator requirements and plans for expansion. The news service will also include insights and research from leading industry figures and organisations.

Commenting on her appointment, Lisa Pilkington says: “It’s exciting to be at the birth of something new, and this service fulfils clear demand from the market. Watch this space for new developments, as our service is pro-active and dynamic to closely align with the fast-changing professional environment of our users.”

Pilkington has written for a wide range of industry publications such the EG (Estates Gazette), NLA UK Landlord magazine, Insider, Different and Browse magazines, as well as national newspapers. She is also a broadcast journalist and a regular BBC radio presenter. 

The Completely Retail news service can be found at news.completelyretail.co.uk. Completely Retail is the UK’s only free-to-view database of every major retail and leisure scheme in the UK and lists more available retail property than any other UK commercial property portal. Completely also hosts the highly successful Completely Retail Marketplace www.crmarketplace.com  industry event each year. The event, which now has a decade under its belt, is run every April and September in central London and attracts more than 100 leading industry exhibitors and over 1,800 delegates. There is also an annual event in Stockholm for the Nordic market and shows in other European territories next year will be confirmed shortly.


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