Asda poaches Aldi director in leadership shake-up

21st February 2023 | Jack Oliver

Asda is set to make a number of changes to its senior leadership team, after poaching rival Aldi’s group director of marketing and communications.

David Hills will join the supermarket retailer later this year, taking over as chief customer officer.

Hills has worked at Aldi since 2007, where he has held a number of senior commercial roles before becoming director of marketing and communications in 2013. Prior to working at the discount grocer, he also worked at Kellogg’s in the UK and Australia for nine years.

Acting chief customer officer for Asda, Sam Dickson, will remain in the role until Hills’ arrival, after which he will assume responsibility for Asda and George brand propositions.

Asda also announced the departure of retail & logistics director Ken Towle, who leaves the company a year after joining from Nisa.


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