FHP completes hat-trick of Nottingham lettings

FHP Property Consultants has secured three deals in Nottingham city centre on behalf of private landlords.
Rudy’s Pizza, which now has over 20 UK sites, has completed a letting for the former FCUK building at 6-10 Victoria Street. The building is now undergoing a fit-out of the ground and basement floors in preparation for an opening in late November.
Regional jeweller Grace & Co has secured the former TM Lewin unit at 17 St Peter’s Gate. The building – which sits between White Company and Molton Brown – has seen refurbishment at ground and first floor with the upper levels converted to residential accommodation. The letting brings Grace & Co’s total store count to 11.
Meanwhile, tea shop Bird & Blend has relocated from its previous spot at Victoria Street to a larger unit at 24 Bridlesmith Gate. The new store spans 1,193 sq ft of trading space over two floors.
Oliver Marshall, director at FHP Property Consultants, said: “It is always great to bring new tenants to the city and to relocate existing ones to secure their long-term commitments to Nottingham. These are three really strong brands in different sectors that really add to the vitality of the city centre and crucially help us to attract other new operators for the city.”