Pubs cutting opening hours to stay afloat

Some pubs across the country are closing early in an attempt to stay ahead of rising bills.
In a survey from the British Beer and Pub association (BBPA), seen by the BBC, it was revealed that the majority of pubs are thinking of cutting down trading hours in the winter.
Energy bills and staff shortages are the biggest problems facing pub landlords this festive season.
In November the Office for National Statistics found that a fifth of hospitality businesses had reduced their opening hours,
The Barn Pub, in Rugby, has been forced to reduce its hours, despite having closed from April to September due to staff shortages. Energy bills at the family-ran pub have risen from £2,000 to £8,000 per month. Other costs such as food have also risen.
86% of UK pubs are considering cutting opening hours over the winter, a survey of nearly 4,500 pubs by the BBPA found.
The survey suggested that a similar number (85%) are thinking of closing for one or two days a week.
BBC analysis found that 331 food service firms announced that they were insolvent in November.
Since 2020, 6,293 hospitality firms have started insolvency proceedings.