The Revo Shopkeepers Campaign for business rates reform. It’s time to get involved!

Completely Retail is delighted to support Revo’s ongoing campaign that is calling for a meaningful reduction in business rates for retail and leisure property.
Revo’s CEO, Vivienne King, explains:
“Since their introduction, business rates have increased by almost 50 per cent and are the largest fixed cost paid by UK retailers. They have contributed to the closure of many of well known and loved high street names, leading to job losses and the loss of community vibrancy. We have seen many of our local stores shut for good during the Covid-19 pandemic and many others are holding on by a thread. The advantage that online sales has had over the high street for many years has now been exposed, and reform of the business rates system is desperately needed. We all want to see high streets and local employment thriving in these stores for years to come.”
In 2020, Revo launched a campaign to cut and reform business rates for retail property. They are having a significant impact on the Government – by provoking parliamentary debates, organising events at party conferences, meeting with Treasury officials and hosting MPs at profile-raising activities at shopping centres around the country.
They are now launching a new phase in this campaign, the “Shopkeepers Campaign”, which calls for everyone connected to retail and retail property to take action!
By making sure MPs put forward the case for retail, they can influence the Government’s Fundamental Review of Business Rates which will conclude on the 3rd March. The more influence that is brought to bear, the greater the likelihood of fundamental reforms being brought forward, so that shops can operate with a lower cost base long into the future and thereby ensure their viability.
You can contact your MP in less than 30 seconds and call for the urgent reform of business rates. Please sign up and share the following link – there’s no time like the present!
This article was written by Vivienne King, CEO of Revo